Monday, October 18, 2010

The mystery of The Brown Splodge

Our transformer still isn't fixed, but apparently we are now sharing one with another line; so we get NEPA one day, and they get it the next, and so on. Obviously, NEPA isn't a continuous concept, so you only get it for part of your allotted day, if you're lucky, but at least this has introduced a degree of predictability which we never had before. Fortuitously, the lovely 'Sea Breeze' (a bar with a garden and gorgeous view of the river. Though not the sea. But there is breeze.) is on the other line, so whenever our fridge is off, their beers should be nice and cold.

This means that many nights are spent in the dark, sweating from the general heat and also that generated by the candles, hoping that the laptop battery will last until the end of whatever episode I'm watching and trying to hear anything other than the whirr of generators (all of our neighbours seem to have them). 

Last night, while watching an episode of Glee in the dark, I closed all doors to the living room to block out some of the noise. And when I opened it again, there on the floor was a small, brown splodge. It was directly underneath the open hatch into the roof, so I looked up to see if I could see or hear anything up there. I couldn't. I got some loo roll, wiped it up and - and I know this is disgusting - sniffed it. It smelled of fish. The only explanation I could think of, was that there was some fish-eating beast with diarrhoea in my home (or somehow, expertly squatting over the side of the hatch to do his/her business, but then I reasoned that if you've got diarrhoea, you probably don't have the strength in your leg muscles to attempt that). 

I didn't look too hard for this beast. Instead, I went to bed, tucking my mosquito net in extra tightly and turning up the volume on my ipod. There was no further evidence this morning. The mystery continues...

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